Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Top Ten Tuesday

I'm playing along with Jenni .... Her Top Ten Tuesday for this week is " Top Ten Things That Don’t Make Sense to Me".... Sounds like fun, so here's my list:

10. Taxes

9. How our dog, Sally, still has any fur left, given the vast amounts she sheds on the couches, floors, her dog bed.... By now, she should be utterly and completely hairless.
8. The appeal of shows like Oprah, Jerry Springer, The Bachelor, etc
7. Oreos - the cookie part by itself is too bitter, and the filling by itself tastes too much like shortening, but put them together, and they turn into something yummy.
6. Why do men seem to lose their rear ends as they age? I swear my hubby used to have one, but now - just flatness!
5. Why are french fries infinitely more delicious when they are pilfered from someone else's order? (Sorry sweetie!)
4. Why do teenagers text each other when they are in the same room?
3. Deliberate mispellings in the name of marketing... Krispy Kreme comes to mind...
2. The appeal of NASCAR
1. How anyone can look at God's creation and NOT believe...


jenni said...

GREAT list, Adrienne! I agree with all of it, but most especially number 2! lol...

His grace is sufficient. said...

I agree with your list Adrienne. Especially the dog hair. I would vow sometimes I sweep up enough to make another dog. The constant texting I will never understand. NASCAR is ridiculous. God's marvelous creation is awesome!!

Yolanda said...

Rich, Adrienne, a very rich list!

Duckygirl said...

Great list! :O)

Faerylandmom said...

Yet another list with which I agree whole-heartedly with everything.

I put up a list too. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hahahahah...those are great...I especially liked the oreo and God's creation ones...smile...

Cindy said...

I really did laugh out loud! Especially #6! You are so funny!


michellemabell said...

Great list!
Especially 3 and 1. It's definately hard enough to spell correctly as it is without going out of your way to do it wrong...:)


Emmy said...

What a great idea! Love it! Made me think LOL! : )

Beth Herring said...

Great list there my sister!

I am a friend of Yolanda's and saw you at the awesome SSMTC!

Have a great evening -

Beth Herring

Lora said...

Number 9 is so funny! And Number 4 I am agreeing with you sister - that happens at our home... Oh, and Number 1 - yes and Amen!

Yaya' s Home said...

The trick is to start spinning that dog hair into yarn and make an afghan. LOL. If only it could be so useful. I love your list and agree with Every.Single.Point you've made.

~ Yaya
Yaya's Changing World