Friday, February 5, 2010

Winter Rain

The sky overhead,
looms grey and dark.

Clouds blanket the land,
like a soggy fleece,
wrung out by God’s hand.

The wet, boggy ground,
squelches beneath my feet,
sodden and damp.

And then through the clouds,
A ray breaks through,
A shaft of light,
And a spotlight too.

God is good...even when it rains.


michellemabell said...

Oh that is so beautiful!
And the pictures...just beautiful.
Yes God is so very very good even when it rains!

Yes I hope to meet you the next time, for sure...:)



Yolanda said...

So incredibly beautiful!


Emmy said...

Wow! That was beautiful! What a blessing! I was just complaining to my husband about how much it has been raining here... God used you to speak to my heart!

Emmy : )

Gran Jan said...

Adrienne...These pictures are gorgeous. And the poetry so beautiful.

Regarding your comment on my blog,
YES! Chattanooga is very close to GA, and girl, you are included in any party I'm around!

I mean it!

Your friend,

Kiki said...

Love the pictures to go along with the words! Reminds me of the verse from Psalm 19:1, "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." Hope you are having a nice weekend!


Lora said...

"Wrung out by God's hand. Rain." That is beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. And I love your pictures too.