Monday, March 30, 2009

Scenes from the farm...

Here are a few photos taken at our farm in the last 2 weeks....
Spring is here!

I don't know the name of these white flowers, or if indeed they are even flowers at all. I think they may be leftover from blossoms or seed pods last year. I just thought they were so pretty.

Peach trees in bloom!

And the honeybees are out working the peach blossoms....

James with his best friend, our border collie, Missy!

James on the tractor. Can you tell he wants to drive it???



Lora said...

I love the pictures Adrienne! And the white flowers (blossoms, seeds) are very pretty.

Moose Mama said...

Spring may be here...there, but it is on! Not a flower in sight here, just lots and lots of snow.
