Friday, May 1, 2009

A walk in the fields...

James and I took a walk in the fields the other day.
The sky was blue, the grass in the fields was ruffling in the breeze, and the trees are lush with new leaves.

I actually think that is poison ivy... but it looks pretty on the tree!

these flowers are so graceful...

the field in front of our house...

wild daisies!

James running ahead on the path...


Holly said...

Beautiful! This CO girl is longing for a whole lotta green right now.

Lora said...

The pictures are beautiful Adrienne. And it looks like James was enjoying the walk too. Springtime is so wonderful. We weeded flower beds yesterday. After a couple days of rain, the weeds came out pretty easy.

Blessings to you dear one!

Moose Mama said...

That is so pretty! I am not jealous, well not much, but I would enjoy having that much space to run around and just be.....

The buds are just now starting on our trees!
